Friday, February 27, 2009

An introduction...

Greetings! McCall Pet Outfitters is a full service pet supply store located in beautiful McCall, ID. We opened on October 4, 2006 and we currently have five full time employees:

John Corcoran - Lead Dog and Certified Professional Trainer
Shiloh (8 yr. hound mix) - Official Taste Tester
Moses (2 yr. Doberman) - Official Toy Tester
Willow (2 yr. Vizsla) - Official Store Jester
Tristan (1 yr. Rott mix) - The Ladies Man

The vision for this store is to provide quality food, treats and toys to Valley County's dog and cat population. I want it to be a place where people and their pets felt comfortable to congregate and stop awhile. I try to provide as much free dog training advice as possible and I have met a plethora of interesting and outstanding dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits & rats.

Stop in and see us the next time you are in McCall!

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