Saturday, March 28, 2009

Quote of the Day

The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of sagacity, but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his.

James Thurber

McCall Pet Newsstand

CNN has the story about how many of our pets sometimes trip us up.

The San Francisco Chronicle has the sad news about an elderly woman dying from an infection just days after being bitten on the hand by a dog.

Here's another story from the San Francisco Chronicle about the effectiveness of the Idaho State Prison sentry dogs.

The BBC has the story of Bilbo, a Newfoundland, who has been reinstated as a member of the local lifeguard team after being banned last year because pets are not allowed on the beach.

The North County Times has an article about whether or not a man, who says that he tried to euthanize a dog who had been hit by three cars already, will be charge with cruelty towards animals. has a story of a cat hoarder living in a million dollar home... photos included.

Texas Cable News has a story of a suspect who was nabbed by a police dog after a deputy crashed his car into a utility pole.

The Washington Post has a piece about how not only are America's soldiers being redeployed to combat zones around the world, but the military's working dogs are as well.

Friday, March 13, 2009

McCall Pet Newsstand

People Magazine has the story of Cesar Millan, who became a U.S. citizen on Thursday.

The Chicago Tribune has a piece on proposed legistlation that will require virtually all dogs and cats in the city to be spayed or neutered. If passed, Chicago will join Los Angeles as only the second major U.S. city to have such an ordinance. has a story about a little dog who was discarded in a recycling bin and found by workers at a recycling processing plant.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has a story about Dan Shalhoub, brother of "Monk" star Tony Shalhoub, and his new invention the Sha-poopie, a no touch dog poo picker upper.

MSNBC has a story about an elderly Burns, OR dog breeder who is has been convinced to surrender about 200 dogs to the Oregon Humane Society.

MSNBC has a heartbreaking story about a woman in Huntersville, N.C. who led an abused, terrified and fear aggressive Rottweiler away from elementary school children, and got bitten herself.

The Orange County Register has a story about a teenager and her stolen puppy being reunited by police.

The Straits Times has a story of a man who thought that he was only donating a couch to a thrift store, until his calico cat was discovered inside by the new owners.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Quote of the Day

To bathe a cat takes brute force, perseverance, courage of conviction - and a cat. The last ingredient is usually hardest to come by.

Stephen Baker

Tribute to Skidboot

You have probably seen the "Amazing Skidboot" on the Tonight Show, Letterman, etc. He was also the first season winner of Pet Star. Well Skidboot passed away in 2007 and today Moses decided that he would like to do a tribute video to him. We have a long way to go before we get invited to the Tonight Show:)

McCall Pet Newsstand has a story on how guide dogs are trained to handle disaster situations.

MSNBC has a story about a 2 year old girl being attacked by a friend of the family's bulldog mix. The girl is in critical condition.

Newsday has the story of a suspect who is filing an excessive force lawsuit after a police dog bit him following a car chase..

BBC News has a story of a blind Scottish man and his dog who are embarking on an eight day trek for charity.

Nightline has a story on the rampant inbreeding of the purebred show dogs.

The Wilmington Examiner has a great article about kids and cats.

The Tucson Examiner has a story about a cat who was lost in Washington, and was returned to his owners in Arizona eight months later.

The Coloradoan has a story about cats and diabetes.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Quote of the Day

I think we are drawn to dogs because they are the uninhibited creatures we might be if we weren't certain we knew better. They fight for honor at the first challenge, make love with no moral restraint, and they do not for all their marvelous instincts appear to know about death. Being such wonderfully uncomplicated beings, they need us to do their worrying.

George Bird Evans, Troubles with Bird Dogs

McCall Pet Newsstand

The Minneapolis Star Tribune has a story about a cat hoarder that was charged with animal neglect after authorities found her and her husband living with 125 cats.

The Seattle Examiner has a three part series on holistic helps for cats who have decided not to use their litter box anymore.
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer has the story of a woman who left her "real" job at Boeing behind, in order to plunge head first into animal rescue seven and a half years ago.

ABC News has advice on finding a safe kennel for your pets while you are away. has a piece on how a court ruled that, during a custody battle, the dog was more than just an object and could be worth more than "fair market value".

The Baltimore-Sun has the story of the man who left his estate to the dogs.

The Arizona Republic has a story on a lowlife who has been lacing hamburgers with strychnine and leaving them at parks for dogs to find.

U.S.A. Today has an article about the difference between human and dog brains, with special attention given to dogs who ride in the back of pickup trucks.

The L.A. Times has a story about the new Cruft's winner, Charmin, a Sealyham terrier.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this."


McCall Pet Newsstand

The Metrowest Daily News has a story on how some people are cutting back on their pets basic needs and services and how a three year old labrador retriever was turned into the local shelter because the owners could not afford for him to have surgery.

Martha Stewart shares more on the tragic accident that critically injured a propane truck driver and killed 17 dogs including her own puppy. has the story of another fire took the lives of three cats and one dog in a three alarm fire at the Cape Cod Animal hospital.

Newsday has the story of how burglars used hot dogs to distract a homeowner's dog so that they could make a getaway with seven guns.

The Orange County Register has the story of a miracle dog, whose injuries were so severe that the vet described it as "something from a horror show", and who now has recovered and has found a new home.

The San Diego Examiner reports on the Ugliest Dog Competition and the new champion, "Chomper", a boxer mix from the local shelter who is still looking for a home.

The Sacramento Bee has an article by Dr. Marty Becker debunking many popular myths about cats.

Monday, March 9, 2009

McCall Pet Newsstand

The N.Y. Daily News has the latest on the Pennsylvania kennel that exploded, killing seventeen dogs including one belonging to Martha Stewart.

The Iditarod started yesterday and has the coverage. By the way, a must read is Winterdance - The Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod by Gary Paulsen. It is one of the few books that I have truly laughed out loud throughout most of the book.

MSNBC has an incredible story of a woman who is not only blind, but unable to use her arms as well, that has found renewed independence with the help of her new guide dog.

MSNBC has another story about a dog who fought off an attacker and came to a woman's rescue.

The Detroit Free Press has the story of a St. Bernard that was rescued after being stuck to the ice of a frozen pond.

MSNBC has the story of a man and his service dog and the battles that they face everyday to education those around him about the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility laws.

Quote of the Day

“We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It’s the best deal man has ever made.”

M. Facklam

Funny Cat Video

If you walk the walk, then you don't have to talk the talk.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Quote of the Day

"A house without either a cat or a dog is the house of a scoundrel."

Portuguese Proverb

McCall Pet Newsstand

The Orange County Register has the story of a company who has donated $20,000 worth of dog biscuits for the city of Lake Forest, California's pet food drive.

The Mercury News has a piece on how companion animals are impacted by the economic downturn.

The Providence Journal has a legal advice column that confirms that homeowner associations can indeed restrict or even prohibit pet ownership.

MSNBC has a story of how stem cell therapy is helping dogs who suffer from osteoarthritis.

The Atlanta Journal Constitution has a story of how a deliberate poisoning has prompted Georgia lawmakers to require antifreeze manufacturers to add a bittering agent to their products.

The L.A. Times has written a story about Zak, the dog who was in an tractor trailer accident that left his owner dead in Omaha, Nebraska, and how donations have brought him home to the rest of his family in California.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Quote of the Day

Cats are smarter than dogs. You cannot get eight cats to pull a sled through snow.

Jeff Valdez

Bringing Newborns Home

As I was scanning the news headlines this morning, the first story that I read was that a two week old infant had been mauled by the family dog while the mother was in the bathroom. Being the proud uncle of the most beautiful three month old little girl, this story hit me right in the gut. So, I wanted to jot down a couple of tips to help dog owners make the transition of bringing baby home a little easier.

1. It is essential that your dog have boundaries and knowledge of some basic commands long before you come home from the hospital. The larger the vocabulary that your dog has, the easier it is for him to comply when you give a command. Important commands to work on before bringing baby home would be:
  • Leave it alone
  • Off (get off furniture, bed, etc.)
  • Out (get out of nursery, kitchen, personal space, etc.)
  • Place (go to mat or bed and stay there until released)
  • Walk on a loose lead. Practice taking your dog for a walk with a stroller long before you have a baby in the stroller.
  • Also, your baby is most likely going to have swings, mobiles, etc. that make noise. Turn these on several times a day before your baby gets home, so that these are no big deal.

2. Never, ever leave any infant unattended with any dog.

3. If your dog already has aggression issues, consult the advice of a competent trainer or animal behaviorist to come up with a gameplan months in advance to the baby coming home. If you don't feel that you are up to the task on this one, then I suggest finding another home for your dog.

If you begin changing your dog's rules only after you get home from the hospital, your dog is not only going to be confused, but probably a little "jealous" as well. New research shows that dogs can feel envy if treated unfairly. Certain dogs react aggressively when they feel this way. It is not necessarily a breed specific issue either. Though some breeds may have the wiring and the tools to react more harshly, any breed is capable of this.

My heart goes out to this family who obviously did not see this coming. If anyone has any questions or needs some advice regarding this, or any serious behavior issue, feel free to e-mail me at

McCall Pet Newsstand

The Pasadena Star-News has a story on how the local shelter is facing more frequent and tougher euthanasia decisions because of the increase in intake animals.

The Orange County Register has the story of how a microchip reunited a bulldog with his owners, after he had been missing for four years.

The Detroit News has an amazing story of a cat who was shot through the head with an arrow, carried it around for about a week, and survived.

NBC-5 in Dallas, TX has a great story of how a couple are using their talents as photographers to support their local shelter.

KTVL in Oregon has the latest on a bill that was heard by Oregon lawmakers that will make ownership of exotic and wild animals illegal.

The Houston Chronicle has a story on how Corpus Christi is banning all dogs from Padre Island beaches this year during Spring Break. This is the first time that such a law has been put in place there.

MSNBC has a story on how firefighters in PA were able to rescue several animals from a home that was destroyed outside of Wilkes Barre.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Quote of the Day

"How's it going Mr. Peterson?" - Woody
"It's a dog eat dog world, Woody, and I'm wearing milk bone underwear." - Norm from Cheers

Update! The True Story of Cookie & Coco

I had put a forwarded request on my blog yesterday based on e-mails that I received from two different folks. It was about two labs that were looking for homes as a package deal only. Thanks to info from a friend and dog lover from Boise, we now know the true story. If you forwarded this to any of your friends, then please forward this update. They found a home.

Paws & Effect: Finding Cookie and Coco a Home

McCall Pet Newsstand

The L.A. Times has the story of how the BBC is dropping coverage of the Crufts Dog Show, after exposing poor breeding practices that are creating "mutant" dogs in the documentary, Pedigree Dogs Exposed. The video is a must watch when you have time. It is about an hour long and is just disgusting what some of these breeders and judges are doing.

In response to the above, has a story on how Crufts Kennel Club is starting a canine genetic research center.

Explore Baltimore County has a piece on doggy detectives who find missing dogs.

The Las Vegas Sun has the latest piece on Greg Louganis, who has gone from diving competitons to canine competitions.

KIFI in Post Falls has an update on the cat licensing initiative that failed.

On the local front, KBCI is reporting that managers for the Ridge to Rivers trail system in Boise are looking at potentially closing the entire trail system for a month or more next winter to reduce erosion.

Finally, news of the weird. The AP has the story of a golden eagle who had an encounter with a tractor trailer, and lived.

Incredible Canine Freestyle

My dogs and I typically don't dance, just on principle. But if we did, it would look nothing like this...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Quote of the Day

When I play with my cat, how do I know that she is not passing time with me rather than I with her? - Montaigne

McCall Pet Newsstand

Check out some interesting pet related stories from around the world wide web!

The San Francisco Chronicle has a story on how compassion over the internet has saved many animals' lives.

The Santa Cruz Sentinel has a story on a pet food bank where demand has increased 50% since last year.

The Charlotte Observer has a piece on how people are realizing that you really can buy love, and that shelter adoptions are up, bucking national trends.

The Seattle Examiner has some tips on taking perfect pictures of your pets.

Channel 5, WRAL in Raleigh, N.C. has a piece on the smiles and tears that fostering for your local shelter can provide.

Oregon Public Broadcasting has a story on how a stolen sandwich proved to be the tipping point for the exclusion of dogs in the Portland Farmers Market.

MSNBC has the latest on Oprah's new puppy.

The U.S. News and World Report has an article on how acupuncture has proven to be just what the doctor ordered for many pets.

An update from the Omaha World-Herald on the idiot who put his girlfriend's cat in a homemade bong to "calm it".

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Paying It Forward

I received a request to put a flyer on my bulletin board the other day. This happens often, people trying to find a home for their dog, cat, guinea pig, or gecko. Or they’re possibly selling firewood, snow removal, pet sitting services, etc. The flyer yesterday was a little different, however. This flyer was a gift to the valley’s needy pet owners from Dr. Janet Houlihan and Dr. Jennifer Koepke-Neiser at Long Valley Veterinary Clinic.

It reads:
“We are aware of the tendency in hard times to limit spending to absolute necessities. However, basic health care for pets is not only a necessity, but its lack can develop into a public health hazard. During this 40 day season of Lent prior to Easter, we are offering to give to people who cannot afford to pay for their pets’ basic care the following options: a free annual exam, half price vaccinations, and half price spay or neuter surgery. We are asking only those with honest need to utilize this gift.”

They have also set up a food bank at their location and donations of pet food can be made to the St. Francis Animal Food Bank of Valley County located at Long Valley Veterinary Clinic, 13712 Highway 55.

With Valley County unemployment rates rising, we have all seen how this economy has affected those around us. Many folks are struggling to provide basic services for themselves and their families, meaning that their pets are suffering as well. I just want to commend Long Valley Veterinary Clinic for this generous gift to our community. Their phone number is 634-2660

Quote of the Day

I lie belly-up
In the sunshine, happier than
You ever will be.

Today I sniffed
Many dog butts — I celebrate
By kissing your face.

I sound the alarm!
Paperboy — come to kill us all —
Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!

I sound the alarm!
Garbage man — come to kill us all —
Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!

I lift my leg and
Whiz on each bush. Hello, Spot —
Sniff this and weep.

I Hate my choke chain —
Look, world, they strangle me! Ack
Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack!

Sleeping here, my chin
On your foot — no greater bliss — well,
Maybe catching cats.

Look in my eyes and
Deny it. No human could
Love you as much I do.


Moses vs. Tuffies Mega Ring

The Tuffies Mega Ring is the ultimate in soft dog toys. Made with 7 layers of super tough material, this toy holds up to rough play and is especially suited to tug of war games with multiple dogs. It is still vulnerable to a single dog that wants to tear the seams apart and is not a "chew toy", but if you are looking for a tough interactive play toy that most dogs love, choose the Tuffies Mega Ring.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Quote of the Day

One reason a dog can be such a comfort when you're feeling blue is that he doesn't try to find out why.

Unknown Author

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Straight Poop – Dealing with a Coprophagic Dog

A common complaint that dog owners have this time of year is that of stool eating. There are three different types of stool eating:

1. Autocoprophagia – Animal eating own stool
2. Intraspecific coprophagia – Animal eating stool of another within its own species
3. Interspecific coprophagia – Animal eating stool of a different species.

The reasons for dogs becoming stool eaters is unclear and vary from dog to dog. Some claim that it is caused by a vitamin deficiency; however I don’t believe that this is the case in most dogs. If you have one dog that is coprophagic, then the other dogs in the household seem to be more likely to become interested in the behavior than if you had an only dog. Living in snow country, the incidence of customers coming in to complain about their dog consuming stool seems to skyrocket once the snowflakes start falling. A great number of dogs seem to relish in finding frozen “poopsicles” to their owners dismay. This behavior seems to disappear for most dogs once the weather gets warmer.

Solutions to this issue are varied. If your dog is either eating his own stool or the stool of another canine housemate, then there are treatments that you can add to your dog’s (or dogs’) food. One that we carry in the store is called STOP, and we have had several customers who have had success with it. Other topical options are Forbid, meat tenderizer and pineapple. Keeping your yard clean and free of feces is the best solution, though in can be tough with multiple dogs in several feet of snow. The only sure way at that point would be to take them out supervised and preferably on leash. Some have suggested that cleaning the yard while your dog watches you can cause them to learn the habit of “cleaning the yard”, though I am skeptical.

If you have a dog that is eating stool from another species, this can be a bit more difficult to control, mainly because you are often surprised when your dog finds their latest treasure . My dog Shiloh relishes in fox, deer, cat, horse and cow dropping. Left outside unattended, there is very little you can do to control this behavior. This seems to be a fairly natural thing for dogs to show interest in, though it can have some health risks. Diseases such as parvovirus, hepatitis, as well as parasites may be contracted. Discuss with your veterinarian what risks you may encounter in your area, and also what preventative measures that you can take to prevent infection.