Friday, March 13, 2009

McCall Pet Newsstand

People Magazine has the story of Cesar Millan, who became a U.S. citizen on Thursday.

The Chicago Tribune has a piece on proposed legistlation that will require virtually all dogs and cats in the city to be spayed or neutered. If passed, Chicago will join Los Angeles as only the second major U.S. city to have such an ordinance. has a story about a little dog who was discarded in a recycling bin and found by workers at a recycling processing plant.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has a story about Dan Shalhoub, brother of "Monk" star Tony Shalhoub, and his new invention the Sha-poopie, a no touch dog poo picker upper.

MSNBC has a story about an elderly Burns, OR dog breeder who is has been convinced to surrender about 200 dogs to the Oregon Humane Society.

MSNBC has a heartbreaking story about a woman in Huntersville, N.C. who led an abused, terrified and fear aggressive Rottweiler away from elementary school children, and got bitten herself.

The Orange County Register has a story about a teenager and her stolen puppy being reunited by police.

The Straits Times has a story of a man who thought that he was only donating a couch to a thrift store, until his calico cat was discovered inside by the new owners.

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