Monday, March 9, 2009

McCall Pet Newsstand

The N.Y. Daily News has the latest on the Pennsylvania kennel that exploded, killing seventeen dogs including one belonging to Martha Stewart.

The Iditarod started yesterday and has the coverage. By the way, a must read is Winterdance - The Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod by Gary Paulsen. It is one of the few books that I have truly laughed out loud throughout most of the book.

MSNBC has an incredible story of a woman who is not only blind, but unable to use her arms as well, that has found renewed independence with the help of her new guide dog.

MSNBC has another story about a dog who fought off an attacker and came to a woman's rescue.

The Detroit Free Press has the story of a St. Bernard that was rescued after being stuck to the ice of a frozen pond.

MSNBC has the story of a man and his service dog and the battles that they face everyday to education those around him about the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility laws.

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