Wednesday, March 11, 2009

McCall Pet Newsstand

The Minneapolis Star Tribune has a story about a cat hoarder that was charged with animal neglect after authorities found her and her husband living with 125 cats.

The Seattle Examiner has a three part series on holistic helps for cats who have decided not to use their litter box anymore.
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer has the story of a woman who left her "real" job at Boeing behind, in order to plunge head first into animal rescue seven and a half years ago.

ABC News has advice on finding a safe kennel for your pets while you are away. has a piece on how a court ruled that, during a custody battle, the dog was more than just an object and could be worth more than "fair market value".

The Baltimore-Sun has the story of the man who left his estate to the dogs.

The Arizona Republic has a story on a lowlife who has been lacing hamburgers with strychnine and leaving them at parks for dogs to find.

U.S.A. Today has an article about the difference between human and dog brains, with special attention given to dogs who ride in the back of pickup trucks.

The L.A. Times has a story about the new Cruft's winner, Charmin, a Sealyham terrier.

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