Saturday, March 28, 2009

McCall Pet Newsstand

CNN has the story about how many of our pets sometimes trip us up.

The San Francisco Chronicle has the sad news about an elderly woman dying from an infection just days after being bitten on the hand by a dog.

Here's another story from the San Francisco Chronicle about the effectiveness of the Idaho State Prison sentry dogs.

The BBC has the story of Bilbo, a Newfoundland, who has been reinstated as a member of the local lifeguard team after being banned last year because pets are not allowed on the beach.

The North County Times has an article about whether or not a man, who says that he tried to euthanize a dog who had been hit by three cars already, will be charge with cruelty towards animals. has a story of a cat hoarder living in a million dollar home... photos included.

Texas Cable News has a story of a suspect who was nabbed by a police dog after a deputy crashed his car into a utility pole.

The Washington Post has a piece about how not only are America's soldiers being redeployed to combat zones around the world, but the military's working dogs are as well.

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